Preparing Our Scholars for the Ever Changing 21st Century workplace. And beyond!
Preparing Our Scholars for the Ever Changing 21st Century workplace. And beyond!
Truman Middle College boasts an educational community of life-long learners with an average of 25 years of professional experience. Our amazing team is committed to serving some of the City of Chicago's most vulnerable population of students. To contact one of our talented professionals, please click above to search our school directory.
Founded in 1984, Truman Middle College is the 2nd oldest Middle College Program in the United States. We serve a dropout recovery population of students ages 16-21 years of age. TMC is housed inside of Truman College, one of the seven City Colleges of Chicago and is currently managed by the Youth Connections Charter School Network and is
Founded in 1984, Truman Middle College is the 2nd oldest Middle College Program in the United States. We serve a dropout recovery population of students ages 16-21 years of age. TMC is housed inside of Truman College, one of the seven City Colleges of Chicago and is currently managed by the Youth Connections Charter School Network and is supported by our fiduciary and sister-agency, the Chicago Public Schools (CPS).
Our Mission: To PREPARE our scholars for the 21st Century Workplace by creating Post-Secondary Education, Employment and Vocational Training Opportunities while at Truman Middle College and beyond
Our Vision: To remain committed in EMPOWERING our scholars to succeed in the ever-changing global workplace by developing a mindse
Our Mission: To PREPARE our scholars for the 21st Century Workplace by creating Post-Secondary Education, Employment and Vocational Training Opportunities while at Truman Middle College and beyond
Our Vision: To remain committed in EMPOWERING our scholars to succeed in the ever-changing global workplace by developing a mindset rooted in hard work and critical thinking. With core values like servant leadership, compassion, and civic responsibility, we will renew our program’s tradition of excellence by preparing our diverse scholars in the present, so that they can meet with success in the future.
Program Performance & Measurement Targets
School Performance is measured using the School Quality Rating System (SQRP), For the Early College and the Career Pathways model, Credit attainment is metric utilized.
Truman Middle College students took a total sixty-three (63) college courses, earning just over one-hundred ninety (190) colle
Program Performance & Measurement Targets
School Performance is measured using the School Quality Rating System (SQRP), For the Early College and the Career Pathways model, Credit attainment is metric utilized.
Truman Middle College students took a total sixty-three (63) college courses, earning just over one-hundred ninety (190) college credits. The funding received from the Community Education Grant made it possible for this dual enrollment and Early College Program expansion.
As a result of the expansion, the trajectory to further increase dual enrollment opportunities in partnership with Truman College is on the rise. Music Production, the DJ Academy, Criminal Justice, and College Success are the additional courses that are offered to students this semester, in addition to Culinary Arts at Washburne Culinary Institute for the SY24-25.
1. Increased the number of Middle College students earning college credentials of economic value by 15%.
2. Expanded the number of students who advance and succeed in college level courses and industry certificate programs by 30%.
3. 100% of dual enrollment students will receive wraparound support services during class schedules, etc.
4. 100% of graduates will have complete portfolios, college transcripts and post-secondary transition plans.
5. Increased student average daily attendance rates by 25%.
6. The number of Middle College students earning college credentials of economic value increased by over 33% (considering the same rate of dual enrollment performance over two consecutive years).
7. The college credits earned in prior years, SY 19-22, total nearly sixty (60) college credits, equivalent to twenty (20) college level courses. Presently, Truman Middle College students earned (190) college credits, equivalent to sixty-three (63) college level courses. This data represents a 30% increase in the number of students who advance and succeed in college level courses and industry certificate programs.
8. On average, there were ten to twelve students enrolled in either dual enrollment or dual credit courses in prior years, school years 2019-2022. This student number has doubled. During this performance period thirty-one (31) students were enrolled into either a dual enrollment, dual credit or certificate-based course representing 16% of Truman Middle College’s total student population.
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